woman in robe holding skin care product bottles

What Is the “Correct” Order of Skin Care Product Application?

Keeping your skin healthy can be difficult when there are so many products to choose from. The ideal order of skin care product application is a hotly debated topic among everyone interested in skin care, from makeup addicts to dermatologists. While everyone’s skin is different and there’s no hard-and-fast rule that applies to the order of skin care product application, there are a few recommended steps to follow if you want to do the best job possible protecting your skin.

Note: Differences in skin mean that different products will suit different skin types. It might be worthwhile to figure out your skin type (dry skin, oily skin, or a combination) before investing in specific product formulas.

Use the following products in order during your skin care routine before applying makeup:


No matter who you talk to about the order of skin care product application, they’ll all agree that you should start fresh by washing your face with a cleanser. Cleansing your face to remove existing makeup as well as sweat, dirt, and oil helps keep your skin healthy and glowing. We recommend using warm water and gently massaging the cleanser in circular motions on the skin for 30 seconds before rinsing to ensure everything is truly clean! There are many types of cleansers to choose from, including cream or balm-based cleanser, and also foaming cleanser


Did you know the residue left behind on your skin by oil or poor-quality beauty products could be acidic? Many products contain chemicals that alter the pH of your delicate facial skin. Toner helps restore your natural pH. Some cleansers also have toners in them, so if your cleanser includes toner, you might be able to skip this step. However, it doesn’t hurt to give your skin an extra boost.


A Serum is a targeted treatment in your skincare routine. A good, effective serum will contain antioxidants and hydrating active ingredients such as Vitamin C and Hyaluronic Acid that work together to provide brightening & plumping effects. Many dermatologists and skin care professionals recommend hyaluronic acid serums.

Retinol (At Night Only)

Retinol has been touted as a miracle skin care solution for everything from preventing fine lines to healing acne scars. It’s best only to apply a retinol cream at night as it is a stronger ingredient that can make your skin more sensitive to the sun. After cleansing and toning, apply a pea-sized amount applied in a thin layer to your face.

Don’t use retinol if you’re already prescribed acne medication that contains retinoids. Over-applying retinol or using excessively concentrated retinol products can leave you with raw and irritated skin. 

Eye Cream or Gel

Your eye area is where some of the first effects of aging appear — so to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy, eye creams and gels have an essential place in the order of skin care product application. Choosing an eye cream or gel with antioxidants and other helpful vitamins and minerals helps smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, reduce dark circles, and improve under eye bags. During the day, dermatologists recommend using more lightweight products and saving heavier products for nighttime as they have more time to absorb.

Spot Treatment

Using a spot treatment is effective for many skin concerns including acne and anti-aging. Spot treatments typically are applied only at night-time and only put on areas of concern.

Note: Topical Prescription Acne Medication

“Spot treatment” and medical acne creams are not necessarily the same. If your dermatologist has prescribed you topical acne treatment medication, ask them about the best order of skin care product application for your specific case.


Moisturizer is one of the most critical steps in the skin care process. Hydrated skin is healthy skin, and there’s no better way to ensure hydration than to include moisturizer during the order of skin care product application. Skin care experts recommend seeking ingredients that help reinforce your skin’s moisture barrier to keep water in while also improving skin health. These ingredients include a variety of fatty acids and hyaluronic acid. If you’re using an oil-based moisturizer and it’s causing your skin to look oily, dermatologists recommend switching to a moisturizer that contains ceramides or seeking out specific oil-free hydrating moisturizers for oily skin. Eucalyptus can be a powerful alternative to oil-based moisturizers. Check out the best moisturizer with eucalyptus for oily or acne-prone skin!

You can use heavier night creams instead of a lightweight daytime moisturizer during your evening skin care routine. Looking for a great night cream that’s both effective and easy on your skin? We recommend our Swiss apple stem cell night cream

Sunscreen (During Daytime)

Don’t forget the SPF! After you’ve gone through all these steps to keep your skin healthy, don’t fall victim to the most damaging force on your skin — UV rays. It’s an absolute must to protect your delicate facial skin against the harsh UV rays that are present even on cloudy days. Skin care experts recommend a mineral sunscreen with an SPF rating of at least 30.

While this recommended order of skin care product application may be one backed by research and experimentation, that doesn’t mean it will be suitable for everyone. If your skin is getting irritated, change your steps or reduce the amount of product you use on any given day. 

Glowing Skin, Glowing Confidence

If you’re looking for a skin care line that’s easy on your skin and wallet while still allowing you to pamper yourself, look no further than Shira Esthetics! We offer a wide range of skin care products at affordable prices. Your skin is unique as you are — so treat it like the vital organ that it is! Contact us today for more information.