4 Reasons Why You Should Wear Sunscreen

We all know the main reason you should wear sunscreen—you won’t get burnt! But, there are also many other reasons why you should… Many of these reasons should be obvious to people concerned with their skin, but they might not be for those who are left wondering why they keep getting freckles!

Reason #1 – The ozone layer is wasting away, and you need protection!

What is this ozone layer everyone keeps talking about? If you didn’t know, the “ozone layer” is what prohibits the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays (radiation) from damaging the earth and its inhabitants. But, because of the amount of pollution in the air these days, the ozone layer is deteriorating. Therefore, being that the earth’s natural defense against radiation is depleting, people need to turn to another form of defense—sunscreen.

Reason #2 – Skin cancer rates are higher than they have ever been before!

Because the ozone layer is depleting, this means that there is an increased risk of skin cancer. Also, just because cancer does not run in your family, that doesn’t mean you cannot get cancer. In fact, one article we found stated that since 2000, melanoma cases found in both men and women have been in increasing by an average of 1.5% every year! The fact of the matter is that if you spend time in the sun and want to lessen your chance of having skin cancer, apply sunscreen every few hours!

Reason #3 – Fewer freckles, and less skin discoloration.

Have you ever wondered why you have more freckles on your skin after getting out of a tanning booth or after spending a day in the sun at the beach? If you spend a lot of time out in the sun without any sunscreen, you will get freckles. Freckles, which are created by cells called “melanocytes,” are produced as a byproduct from these cells attempting to protect you from sun damage. So, imagine when you expose your skin to ultraviolet rays without sunscreen? Your body will produce more melanocytes, and thus more freckles will appear. If you don’t like the freckles you have already, wearing sunscreen will help you prevent them from forming!

Reason #4 – It prevents premature aging!

If you didn’t know that sunscreen can help prevent premature aging, we are shocked! Getting older is inevitable, but using sunscreen will prevent signs of aging such as wrinkles, lines, and loss of elasticity. At Shira Esthetics, we have plenty of products that will help prevent premature aging, and many of them are not just sunscreens, they hydrate your skin. Because, after all, keeping your skin hydrated is extremely important!

There are many reasons why you should wear sunscreen. However, finding the right sunscreen to apply is just as equally as important. Not one person’s skin is the same, and it is imperative to test the waters to find the best one that works for you. If you have any questions about our sunscreen or skin care products, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

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