3 Tips On How To Keep Your Skin Healthy At Any Age

Unfortunately, as you age your skin starts to show how well, or not well, you took care of it over the years. Also, even though you spend your time shielding yourself from the sun other things can affect it such as your daily diet, how often you exercise, how much sleep you get, and how much stress you are under. For women, pregnancy is also something that affects their skin tone. However, there are many things you can do in order to keep your skin healthy and under control as you move through life.

Sitting in front of a computer all day? Make it a point to exercise 3-5 times a week.

How can exercising help your skin? Well, a part from exercising your muscles, working out intensifies your blood flow and thus increases how much your skin is nourished. According to WebMD, this increased blood flow also helps remove some waste products—such as free radicals, from healthy cells within your body.

Also, those who work in an industry that requires that they sit down all day in front of a computer should make it a point to exercise. When you are sitting for long periods of time the harder it will be for your blood to circulate, and thus bring those much-needed nutrients to all parts of your body—including your skin. Therefore, again, one way to remedy this is by getting into a daily exercise routine. If you make it a point to exercise 3-5 times a week, you will not only feel refreshed, but it will also lead to increased collagen creation that will then attribute to stronger and smoother skin. Last but not least, taking the time to stretch before a workout or at the beginning of the day will also allow your body to circulate more nutrients.

We all know your diet affects your weight, but it also affects your skin. So, eat properly.

There is no doubt about it—everything you put in your mouth affects your skin. However, it’s more than just about eating healthy—it’s about eating properly and not starving yourself. Therefore, be weary of some diet “plans” out there. You want to have a proper diet that consists of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Inevitably, there are many diets out there—it’s just a matter of whether or not your body is getting the nutrients that it needs from all of the RIGHT foods.

Get a steady amount of sleep each night. Lack of sleep will inhibit your immune system from doing its job.

Getting the proper amount of sleep not only makes you feel less tired, it also strengthens your immune system. According to WebMD, those who do not get the right amount of sleep each night and are constantly putting their bodies under a lot of stress have a higher chance of getting sick. You can even develop certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Also, not to mention loss of sleep also means that those fine lines can show up sooner rather than later!

There are many ways to keep your skin looking healthy as you age. If you have a healthy lifestyle overall, sometimes it can be something as simple as buying the right acne cream, skin moisturizers, or cleansers to help maintain your skin as you get older.

When looking buy acne cream online turn to Shira Esthetics. At Shira, we provide the most natural and top-of-the-line skin care products. To hear more about our products, as well as other skin care tips, please feel free to reach out to us today.




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