Author Archives: Dharmesh

3 Tips That Will Help You Say “Goodbye!” to Dry Skin in the Winter

For a lot of people, not only does the arrival of winter mean low temperatures, freezing rain and snow are about to turn up, but also dry skin. Because the air is so cold, the humidity is low, and you are constantly inside and warmed by a heater, your skin reacts by becoming flaky and rough. What’s more, your eyes might even become irritated and red. However, luckily, there are plenty of things that you can do throughout the day and night, as well as cleansers and moisturizers that you can purchase and apply, that will help quench your dry skin.

To keep your skin hydrated throughout a very dry winter day, you should use a creamy cleanser and slather on the appropriate moisturizer.

Most people begin their day either by showering or washing their face in the sink. So, when you do take that hot ten minute shower or wash your face, we highly suggest that you use a creamy cleanser. Even better yet, you could also start the process by clearing away dry skin with a scrub that contains jojoba beads and what we refer to as “fruity cocktail acids,” because doing so will leave your skin looking polished. But, once you are done, it is important that you also use a creamy cleanser that has ingredients like organic coconut oil and oatmeal that will calm and soothe your skin.

Once you are done taking a shower, we also suggest applying a rich moisturizer while your skin is still a bit moist to better lock in, and thus trap, moisture.

To wake up without dry skin, consider adding a night cream.

There is no doubt that winter nights are extremely cold and dry. And, just because you are sleeping, that does not mean that your skin isn’t still being impacted. So, if you are looking for a way to keep your skin hydrated 24 hours a day, we highly suggest that you add a night cream into the mix. Some of the benefits that come from using a night cream include better blood circulation, a boost in collagen, a reduction in lines and wrinkles, and it even helps to prevent your skin from sagging. All in all, if you want to give your skin an extra boost so that it gets through those winter nights, get your hands on one that contains anti-aging and ultra-hydrating ingredients like retinol and glycolic acid.

Add some additional omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, and use a humidifier.

These days, there is a lot of evidence that suggests that consuming omega-3 fats (that are found in foods like salmon, tuna, and walnuts) helps reduce dryness. So, it’s safe to say that upping the amount of foods that contain omega-3 fats (to a point) is great for your skin.

Last, but not least, if you want to get some humidity back in the air at night, we highly encourage you to invest in a portable humidifier. But, keep in mind that you should not leave the unit running all of the time, as it can cause too much moisture to build up, and thus bacteria to flourish.

When it all comes down to it, how well your skin stays hydrated will also depend on what products you purchase, and if you use them correctly. If you are looking to buy organic skin care products that will have your skin looking radiant, as well as hydrated all winter long, we certainly have plenty to choose on our website.

Let’s Take A Look at Our New Shir-Organic Select Cleanser, Day Cream, Night Cream and Mask!

If you didn’t know, the last quarter of 2015 has been a big one for us, as we just launched a new extension to our Shir-Organic brand. Labeled as our “Shir-Organic Select” line, what’s so great about it is that all of the seven products included in the launch—which consist of a night, day and eye cream, as well as a mask, cleanser, toner and serum—have all been USDA Certified. This means that we had to show that over 95% of the products we used in their creation were organic and natural. If you would like to know more general information about our new line, please check out our previous blog post.

Those who are interested in learning a little bit of information about a handful of our new products, such as the Pure Pomegranate & Seaweed Cleanser, Pure Hibiscus Anti-Oxidant Day Cream, Pure Raspberry & Mango Rejuvenating Night Cream, and the Pure Gotu Kola Hydration Mask can check out some details of them below, or just navigate to each of their individual product pages.


A good cleanser is one that goes above helping you feel clean and refreshed. In fact, those who purchase our new cleanser will find that it not only does these two things, but that it is also rich in antioxidants, and will provide defense against environmental stressors. Defense is possible because of the fact that it contains the anti-inflammatory ingredient beeswax.

Day Cream

Looking to supercharge your skin so that it is protected all day? Well, our new day cream has everything you need and much more. An ingredient like organic sunflower oil allows skin to receive vitamins D, B and E to help it feel conditioned throughout the day. What’s more, blueberry seed oil provides the skin with some essential Omega 3 fatty acids.

Night Cream

Trying to rejuvenate your skin overnight? If you are, there are many benefits of using our new night cream. Ingredients include shea and cocoa butter that will help skin retain moisture through the coldest nights, and rosehip extract that not only has a lot of Vitamin C, but over 30 other vitamins and minerals that are great for skin.


For those looking to give their skin some extra attention after using our new cleanser, a mask is exactly what they need. A skin nurturing and rejuvenating ingredient in this mask includes Gotu Kola. Plus, there is Dandelion, an extremely nutritious plant, to provide skin with more vitamins than you can count on your fingers.

If you are looking to buy organic skin care products anytime soon, there is no doubt that our new line is worth a try. If you want to hear more about them, please reach out to us, or visit their individual product pages.

We Are Pleased to Announce That Our Shir-Organic Select Product Line Is Now Available!

Here at Shira Esthetics, we have, and always will be, committed to providing new skin care products online that you can use to beautify and heal your skin. Therefore, we are extremely excited to announce that we have just launched a new extension to our Shir-Organic brand called “Shir-Organic Select.”

What is so special about Shir-Organic Select?

Well, first and foremost, like many of our other skincare products, all of the line’s products are USDA Organic. To be certified “USDA Organic” we had to prove that over 95% of the ingredients that we used to create them are natural and organic. In other words, we had to show that these products are entirely free of synthetic ingredients.

We currently have seven products available, and will certainly be adding many more as time goes on.

Right now, we have one cleanser, eye cream, mask, moisturizer, night cream, serum and toner available. What’s more, all of them are suitable for various skin types. For example, those with very dry skin or oily skin can each use the cleanser, toner, and serum! Inevitably, a lot of the products in our Shir-Organic Select can be used by someone with ANY skin type!

How can you tell if the Shir-Organic Select is right for you?

If you already use a lot of our Shir-Organic products, the Select products are surely worth a try. This is especially true if you are always on the hunt for truly natural and organic products. While every product that we offer is always made of the best ingredients, and you, of course, undoubtedly have your favorites, it is always good to try something new. In fact, you may just be surprised with the results you get!

If you would like more information about our Shir-Organic Select line, or would like to see all of the ingredients in each product, please visit the Shir-Organic Select page of our website.

What is Face Serum and How to Determine If You Should Buy One

Many people concerned with how youthful their skin looks probably have bottles of toners, moisturizers, night and eye creams, etc. already sitting in their bathroom cabinet. But, one thing individuals serious about their skin should also have in their cabinet is a face serum.

What is a face serum?

In a nutshell, a face serum is a beauty product that is rapidly absorbed into the skin, and is also able to penetrate deeper than other moisturizers. Most are made up of antioxidants, such as Vitamin C and pomegranate extract, anti-inflammatories, and hydrators like amino acids.

Why might you want to use a face serum?

If you already use moisturizers and eye or night creams, the chances are that your skin is already getting a decent amount of antioxidants and is being kept hydrated. So, why might you want to implement a face serum? Well, a serum’s ingredients are highly concentrated. This means that you will see the results of using this product faster.

However, that does not mean you should forgo using a moisturizer altogether, as most serums—if not all of them—do not have sunscreen. In the end, a serum will not replace your daytime or nighttime moisturizer, but it will offer plenty of benefits to those who are extremely worried about how young, soft and hydrated, their skin is and looks.

When should you start using a face serum?

You can never be too young to start using face serums. In fact, the sooner you start applying, the more likely you will be able to combat those wrinkles and fine lines. And, not to mention, your skin will remain healthy and firm as you age.

Where can you get face serums?

You can find them in the store and online. In fact, we have plenty of serums available in our online store, such as our Shir-Organic Pure Pomegranate Serum and our Shir-Organic Pure Eucalyptus Serum.

As a company that provides quality and organic skin care products online, you can rest assured that when you order our serums, you are getting some of the best available on the market.

Should You Be Using A Night Cream?

Do you regularly use toners, daily moisturizers and eye creams but skip out on the night creams because they do not seem necessary? Well, if you are concerned about wrinkles and lines—consider using a night cream!

Using a night cream means your skin is nourished and hydrated all of the time!

A lot of night creams are ultra-hydrating and contain anti-aging ingredients such as glycolic acid and retinol. In fact, the unique “nighttime” combination of all of these anti-aging ingredients will ensure that new skin replaces old skin faster. And, because of this, wrinkles, fine lines, and age spots are a lot less likely to appear!

When we say night creams are ultra-hydrating, we mean it!

Night creams are designed to be more moisturizing than daytime creams. Even though there might be no real reason to ultra-hydrate your skin at night, those with drier skin types may find many benefits from using a night cream.

So, are day creams and night creams really that different?

Not really. But, a lot of daytime moisturizers are lighter and contain SPF while night creams do not. Also, while most daytime products contain anti-aging ingredients, there is a higher concentration of them in nighttime products.

How can you tell if using a night cream is truly right for you?

In the end, if you are content with your daytime moisturizers and the current condition of your skin, there is no reason to add a night cream into the mix. However, if you are open to doing everything possible to combat the effects of aging, using a night cream is ideal. And remember, just like you needed to find the right skin care products to use during the day, it is also important to find the right ones to use at night!

Why not try one of our night creams?

3 Common Sunscreen Misconceptions

Most people know why they should wear sunscreen (as well as how important is to their health), but there are some individuals that do not use it properly. Keep in mind that, even though you are using it, you could still be putting yourself at risk for skin cancer, premature aging and sunburn.

A higher SPF number doesn’t necessarily mean more protection.

According to the Environmental Working Group (EWG), those who wear sunscreen have been led to believe that the greater the SPF value is, the more protection they have. However, buying a sunscreen with SPF 100 over one with SPF 50 will not make much of a difference. In fact, they found that SPF 50 will protect individuals from 98% of the sun’s rays and that SPF 100 will protect individuals from 99%. Although this 1% jump is a huge deal for some people, those who believe that they can spend more hours in the sun because they are wearing SPF 100 will eventually find that there is not much of a difference.

Never think applying sunscreen one time will ever do the trick.

Some people, especially those who tan very easily, assume that applying sunscreen once is enough. Unfortunately, those who are swimming, sweating or are constantly wiping themselves with a towel, will need to reapply it every couple of hours. Even just sitting in the sun (without doing any of the three things we just mentioned) is cause to reapply sunscreen because, unfortunately, sunscreen breaks down after a few hours.

A cloudy day does not mean that you will not get burnt.

Even though it’s a cloudy day, almost 50% of the sun’s rays can still reach you. Also, don’t think that, because you are inside, you are protected. Unless the blinds and curtains are closed, nearly 80% of the sun’s rays can get through and harm your skin.

As a company that sells sunscreen and skin care products online, we know that it is important to provide our customers with the right products, as well as those that will prove ideal for their skin type. Therefore, we cannot stress enough the importance of wearing sunscreen, and properly using the right type to prevent sun damage!

A Little History On Sunscreen & How It Should Be Used

A lot of people might remember this when they were young: their mom or dad slathering Coppertone brand sunscreen all over their already-burned back, stomach, legs, arms, and face. Also, (for those of you who don’t know) sunscreen was not viewed as much as a necessity as it is today. This might sound shocking, but it was only something parents would put on their children until society finally realized how the sun’s UV rays caused skin damage, aging, and then cancer.

Since the realization of how important sunscreen is and the introduction of the sun protection factor (SPF), many people across the world are applying sunscreen daily. However, just “applying sunscreen” is not the only way you can protect your skin from the sun.

Applying sunscreen is one thing, but knowing when you should and how often to apply it is another.

According to, everyone should be applying sunscreen at least a half an hour before they step into the sun. Also, for those of you who have fairer and lighter skin, they also suggest applying some sunscreen before you go to bed the previous night. If you apply it the night before, the sunscreen will be thoroughly absorbed into the outer layer of your skin. However, make sure to get up and apply more (if you have fair skin) so that you are protected as much as possible.

How often should you reapply sunscreen?

Reapply sunscreen every two hours, and even more if you are swimming and sweating.

Don’t let the weather fool you, you can still get burned when it’s cold.

It’s a cloudy and cool day on an early May afternoon. You are outside planting flowers and bulbs, pulling weeds and trimming the hedges. Do you need sunscreen? Yes!  Even though it’s cloudy, ultraviolet light is not repressed by the clouds.

Also, (especially for those of you who ski) do not let the cold snow fool you. Even though the sun is it a lower angle in the winter, ultraviolet light easily reflects off the white snow and can cause sun damage.

Cover up and wear lighter clothing in the sun.

Aside from applying sunscreen before bed and 30 minutes before you go outside, something else you can do is cover up. Also, wear lighter clothing in the sun. According to The Skin Cancer Foundation, darker clothing and tightly woven fabrics/materials absorb UV rays quickly. Last but not least, after you take a dip in the pool or walk out of the ocean, grab a towel and dry off. A dryer bathing suit will offer more protection than a damp suit.

Inevitably, there are many things that you can do to protect yourself from the sun. However, the best thing you can do is ALWAYS apply sunscreen. Sunscreens that have been proven to help protect skin will prove the most valuable. In fact, if you want to buy natural skin care products that will keep you protected, Shira Esthetics has plenty.

3 Tips To Help Keep Your Skin Looking Great In the Springtime

After a cold, windy and dry winter season comes to an end, many people do not realize how much their skin has taken a beating. Since springtime is a season of new beginnings, this is the perfect time to pamper your skin so that it gets back to the way it should. Therefore, what follows are three tips on how to get and keep your skin looking great just in time for spring!

Find the right facial cleanser and exfoliate.

Before you start hoarding moisturizers, the first thing you need to do in order to help remedy any leftover winter skin issues—such as dryness—is to exfoliate. If you skip doing this, or just do not exfoliate in general, your skin will continue to look dry and dull just as it did in the winter. After all, the point of exfoliating is to get rid of all of the dead skin cells.

Exfoliating a few times a week with an organic/natural scrub like our Shir-Organic Pura AHA Treatment Scrub will have you well on your way to revitalizing your skin so that it looks its best for spring!

Get your hands on the appropriate springtime moisturizer.

Sometimes, what moisturizer you used in the winter will not be ideal for the spring season. Many winter moisturizers are thick, and when the heat and humidity finally do arrive, they have the potential to cause breakouts as well as clog your pores. Also, being that your skin has probably suffered due to a withdrawal of vitamins and antioxidants, you should no doubt be choosing a moisturizer that contains both. One particular product that we at Shira Esthetics have is our Shir-Organic Pure Apricot Moisturizer that is ideal for those with normal or dry skin. Not only will this product nourish your skin, but it has Vitamins E & A. If you want your skin to feel revitalized, this is one moisturizer that we highly suggest you try.

Keep your skin protected with sunscreen.

At Shira Esthetics, we are all about guaranteeing that our customers have anything and everything possible to ensure that their skin is protected. One thing that comes along with spring is more sun. For those of you who spend more time outdoors, you might want to consider something to provide your skin with some protection from the sun’s harmful rays. Using what we call a broad spectrum sunscreen—like our Solar Energy Sun Care SPF 30, you will have the means to prevent the sun from doing any excessive amount of harm to your skin.

A product such as this can also be applied with our without any makeup and is absorbed quickly!

No matter where you are, or how the weather is, it can affect your skin. Therefore, it is important to realize the importance of using the right skin care products during the different seasons of the year.

If you would like more information as to how our products can help you at certain times throughout the year, please feel free to reach out to us!

3 Tips On How To Keep Your Skin Healthy At Any Age

Unfortunately, as you age your skin starts to show how well, or not well, you took care of it over the years. Also, even though you spend your time shielding yourself from the sun other things can affect it such as your daily diet, how often you exercise, how much sleep you get, and how much stress you are under. For women, pregnancy is also something that affects their skin tone. However, there are many things you can do in order to keep your skin healthy and under control as you move through life.

Sitting in front of a computer all day? Make it a point to exercise 3-5 times a week.

How can exercising help your skin? Well, a part from exercising your muscles, working out intensifies your blood flow and thus increases how much your skin is nourished. According to WebMD, this increased blood flow also helps remove some waste products—such as free radicals, from healthy cells within your body.

Also, those who work in an industry that requires that they sit down all day in front of a computer should make it a point to exercise. When you are sitting for long periods of time the harder it will be for your blood to circulate, and thus bring those much-needed nutrients to all parts of your body—including your skin. Therefore, again, one way to remedy this is by getting into a daily exercise routine. If you make it a point to exercise 3-5 times a week, you will not only feel refreshed, but it will also lead to increased collagen creation that will then attribute to stronger and smoother skin. Last but not least, taking the time to stretch before a workout or at the beginning of the day will also allow your body to circulate more nutrients.

We all know your diet affects your weight, but it also affects your skin. So, eat properly.

There is no doubt about it—everything you put in your mouth affects your skin. However, it’s more than just about eating healthy—it’s about eating properly and not starving yourself. Therefore, be weary of some diet “plans” out there. You want to have a proper diet that consists of lean proteins, vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Inevitably, there are many diets out there—it’s just a matter of whether or not your body is getting the nutrients that it needs from all of the RIGHT foods.

Get a steady amount of sleep each night. Lack of sleep will inhibit your immune system from doing its job.

Getting the proper amount of sleep not only makes you feel less tired, it also strengthens your immune system. According to WebMD, those who do not get the right amount of sleep each night and are constantly putting their bodies under a lot of stress have a higher chance of getting sick. You can even develop certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema. Also, not to mention loss of sleep also means that those fine lines can show up sooner rather than later!

There are many ways to keep your skin looking healthy as you age. If you have a healthy lifestyle overall, sometimes it can be something as simple as buying the right acne cream, skin moisturizers, or cleansers to help maintain your skin as you get older.

When looking buy acne cream online turn to Shira Esthetics. At Shira, we provide the most natural and top-of-the-line skin care products. To hear more about our products, as well as other skin care tips, please feel free to reach out to us today.




4 Reasons Why You Should Wear Sunscreen

We all know the main reason you should wear sunscreen—you won’t get burnt! But, there are also many other reasons why you should… Many of these reasons should be obvious to people concerned with their skin, but they might not be for those who are left wondering why they keep getting freckles!

Reason #1 – The ozone layer is wasting away, and you need protection!

What is this ozone layer everyone keeps talking about? If you didn’t know, the “ozone layer” is what prohibits the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays (radiation) from damaging the earth and its inhabitants. But, because of the amount of pollution in the air these days, the ozone layer is deteriorating. Therefore, being that the earth’s natural defense against radiation is depleting, people need to turn to another form of defense—sunscreen.

Reason #2 – Skin cancer rates are higher than they have ever been before!

Because the ozone layer is depleting, this means that there is an increased risk of skin cancer. Also, just because cancer does not run in your family, that doesn’t mean you cannot get cancer. In fact, one article we found stated that since 2000, melanoma cases found in both men and women have been in increasing by an average of 1.5% every year! The fact of the matter is that if you spend time in the sun and want to lessen your chance of having skin cancer, apply sunscreen every few hours!

Reason #3 – Fewer freckles, and less skin discoloration.

Have you ever wondered why you have more freckles on your skin after getting out of a tanning booth or after spending a day in the sun at the beach? If you spend a lot of time out in the sun without any sunscreen, you will get freckles. Freckles, which are created by cells called “melanocytes,” are produced as a byproduct from these cells attempting to protect you from sun damage. So, imagine when you expose your skin to ultraviolet rays without sunscreen? Your body will produce more melanocytes, and thus more freckles will appear. If you don’t like the freckles you have already, wearing sunscreen will help you prevent them from forming!

Reason #4 – It prevents premature aging!

If you didn’t know that sunscreen can help prevent premature aging, we are shocked! Getting older is inevitable, but using sunscreen will prevent signs of aging such as wrinkles, lines, and loss of elasticity. At Shira Esthetics, we have plenty of products that will help prevent premature aging, and many of them are not just sunscreens, they hydrate your skin. Because, after all, keeping your skin hydrated is extremely important!

There are many reasons why you should wear sunscreen. However, finding the right sunscreen to apply is just as equally as important. Not one person’s skin is the same, and it is imperative to test the waters to find the best one that works for you. If you have any questions about our sunscreen or skin care products, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.