What Makes our Shir-Organic Product Line Stand Out?

Do you want your skin to be smooth and radiant? Better yet, do you want to provide your clients with smooth skin? Of course you do! The best way to treat the skin is through the use of natural and organic minerals. With the Shir-Organic product line from Shira Esthetics, our collection features ingredients that are economically friendly through and through.

Cucumber Eye Cream

The broad reach of these products extends to all the skin care products you may need. We feature creams, cleansers, serums, masks, moisturizers, toners, and our exclusive enzyme peel. But, what makes this collection stand out?

  • You can get creams, scrubs, and peels that are safe for all skin types. Ingredients included in the Shir-Organic nourish the skin, and you’ll see some of which are perfect for very dry to very sensitive to normal skin. Each label indicates the skin type that particular product will generate the best results.
  • Long Lasting Hydration. Top quality ingredients and innovative solutions are utilized for the most radiant and hydrating results to keep the skin firm and fresh!
  • Ingredients. There are no added chemicals thrown into the ingredients. You’ll witness and sense nothing but the organic nature of vegetables, flowers, fruits, and herbs. Every product differs, but the collection is infatuated with antioxidants and phytonutrients for extra strength on your skin.
  • Stimulates Cell Regeneration. The inclusion of natural vitamins and enzymes are proven to enhance the skin.
  • Anti-Aging Formulas that have the ingredients needed to hydrate, strengthen, and radiate the skin for a comfortable, natural look.

When you’re looking for economically friendly products to provide to clients in your salon, you can be sure Shira meets your standards. Everything about our new collection screams natural. With recyclable packaging, pure alternatives, and anti-aging formulas, your customers will feel the hydration all day!

Do you want immediate gratification? Do you want products that utilize unique ingredients to make your skin care products more appealing and eco-friendly? Do you want a safe collection that produces the finest treatments in the skin care industry? Yes, yes, and an overwhelming yes! Try the Shir-Organic collection from Shira Esthetics and help your clients maintain a healthy skin, no matter what skin type they have.

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