Author Archives: Dharmesh

Make Your Skin Shine a Bit Brighter This Fall With A Few of Our Shir-Organic Products

If you didn’t know, making the transition to a new skin care routine in the fall will help your skin to look its best. And, not to mention you’ll feel your best.

If you’ve decided to ditch your summer products from something more suitable for the fall season, one of the lines that we suggest you consider acquiring products from is our Shir-Organic line.

Why Shir-Organic?

Are you looking for the best natural and/or organic skin care products online to help keep those wrinkles away throughout the fall season? Well, the products in our Shir-Organic line will do that and much more. These products boast certified natural sources, organic ingredients, and even high-quality, eco-friendly bamboo packaging. Each product will help to strengthen your skin, keep it hydrated, and, perhaps most importantly to some, stimulate the production of new skin cells!

If we’ve got you convinced, here are few products (of over an inventory of 30) you might want to try:

Pure Apple Stem Cell Night Cream

Ever heard the saying “an apple a day keeps those wrinkles away?” If you choose to incorporate our Pure Apple Stem Cell Night Cream into your skin care routine, you will have what you need to fight those visible and pesky signs of aging. What’s more, your skin will stay soothed and hydrated, and will also have a better chance of standing up to any sun damage you may receive this fall.

Pure Apple Stem Cell Night Cream

Pure Pumpkin Smoothing Peel

Love the fall season and everything pumpkin? You will fall right in love with the Pure Pumpkin Smoothing Peel. This product not only smells wonderful, but it aids in improving skin barrier function, loosens dead skin cells to help keep your pores clear, and best of all, leaves you with a radiant complexion.

Pure Pumpkin Smoothing Peel

Pure Apricot Moisturizer

Some of the best things about an apricot is that it is rich in Vitamin E and A, and also Linoleic acid, which can all help to keep your skin looking healthy, and you—years younger. If you use this product, you will help to improve your skin’s elasticity, and thus keep it as soft as can at all times.

Pure Apricot Moisturizer

To learn more about these products, the others available with our Shir-Organic line, or buy other organic skin care products, please browse our site, or give us all call today!

3 Extraordinary Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Products to Incorporate into Your Skin Care Routine This Fall

When the seasons change, you shouldn’t just be revamping your wardrobe, but you should be thinking about adjusting your skin care routine. For example, when autumn’s crisp and cool days finally do arrive, there is no doubt that your skin will be feeling more scaly and parched, and that your summer products may just not do the job.

If you’ve been following us the past few months, you may have noticed that we launched our newest skin care line—Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx—that currently has over 15 products. This line contains an exceptional combination of Hydroxy Acids, Hyaluronic Acid, Collagen, PENTAVITIN® and Ceramides. Together, these ingredients work to keep skin hydrated longer, and also firmer.

With so many products to choose from in our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx, you may be asking yourself “What products will be ideal for the fall season?” Well, here are three we suggest:

Ultrapure Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Non-comedogenic, fragrance, dye, and paraben free, that’s the Ultrapure Hyaluronic Acid Serum. This product is suitable for all skin types, and will certainly help to keep your skin unbelievably hydrated at times when it’s too dry inside or outside.

Ultrapure Hyaluronic Acid Serum

Advanced Therapeutic Moisturizer

Perfect for anyone who has combination, acne prone, or oily skin, the Advanced Therapeutic Moisturizer will offer a long-lasting and deep hydration during the coldest times of the year. Other benefits of using this product are that it will help to control overactive sebaceous (oil) glands and aid in tightening large pores.

Advanced Therapeutic Moisturizer - Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx

Ester-C Night Renewal Cream

If you spend a lot of time in the sun, or just have a skin that’s too dry, the Ester-C Night Renewal Cream is an excellent choice. It will help to increase your skin’s natural moisture level, lighten age and sun sports, and neutralize oxidants that may have damaged your skin during the day.

Ester-C Night Renewal Cream

For years, many people all over the globe have looked to us to buy not only natural skin products but also buy organic skin care products online. To learn more about us, our numerous skin care lines, as well as our latest, and perhaps most innovative skin care line yet—Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx—please browse our site, or give us a call at any time.


3 Innovative Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Skin Care Products You Need to Try!

Are you looking to have unbelievably soft and supple skin that will stay hydrated all day long?

Well, if you’ve been following us for the past few months you might have noticed that we recently launched our new Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line of products.

Nothing but Extraordinary Ingredients!

One of the key ingredients in each of these products is PENTAVITIN®, a remarkable water-binding agent and emollient, that has been proven to not only help skin stay hydrated longer, but has also shown to improve skin barrier function. Something else each of the products in the Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line has is “Ceramides,” which aid in keeping surface skin cells together. Other active ingredients consist of Collagen, Hydroxy Acids, and Hyaluronic Acid—which together with the Ceramides and PENTAVITIN®—make products that will no doubt give you the soft and supple skin you are looking for!

If you want to look your best for the rest of the summer season, as well as have glowing skin when the leaves change colors and begin to fall, here are three products that you will absolutely need to try!

911 Blemish Control

Have acne prone, large pore, or oily skin? Consider 911 Blemish Control. This wondrous skin care product dries and detoxifies blemishes quickly, and also disinfects and minimizes any blemishes that might be developing. This product is perfect to try before bed if you wish to wake up with clearer skin!

911 Blemish Control Shira Esthetics

Instant Wrinkle and Pore Minimizer

No matter what skin type you have, the Instant Wrinkle and Pore Minimizer is a skin care product that offers results. Use this product correctly, and its low micron polymeric technology and advanced microalgae will help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles and pores to give you that “glow” you desire!

Instant Wrinkle and Pore Minimizer Shira Esthetics

Hydrating and Toning Mist

Restore your skin’s vitality and health with the Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Hydrating and Toning Mist. Using this product will help you to maintain your skin’s optimal pH level, plus give off that toned and refined look that says “I am beautiful!”

Hydrating and Toning Mist Shira Esthetics

If you are looking to purchase the best professional skin care products online, you can rest assured that you will find them here on our site! To learn more about our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line of online skin care products, please browse our site, or give us a call!

3 Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Skin Care Products You Must Get Your Hands On!

If you haven’t noticed, the 2016 summer season has been big for us here at Shira Esthetics, as we launched one of our most innovative line of skin care products yet—Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx. This exclusive formula line contains therapeutic and anti-aging ingredients that are so remarkable that they can alleviate a broad range of skin conditions and ailments. Some of the advanced formulations in the products include Ceramides, PENTAVITIN®, Hydroxy Acids, Hyaluronic Acid, and Collagen, which will provide the ideal results for a number of skin types.

As of today, we have over 15 products available with our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line. In fact, we have a Balancing Cleanser, Salicylic Toner, Hydrating and Toning Mist, and 911 Blemish Control.

If you’re looking to get your hands on a few of the products in the Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line (and will no doubt be great to use this summer!) here are three you might want to consider:

Deep Foaming Cleanser

Finding a cleanser that won’t dry out your skin can be a difficult task. However, one that will not dry out your skin is our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Deep Foaming Cleanser. This exceptional pH balanced foaming cleanser offers a gentle, yet deep pore cleansing experience, and removes impurities without drying out your skin. Plus, it aids in the accelerated removal of old skin cells so topical creams are absorbed more rapidly. In the end, if you want your skin to appear supple and hydrated this summer, this is one of the first products you should get your hands on.

Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Deep Foaming Cleanser

Mandelic Serum 15%

Let’s face it, everyone wants soft and beautiful skin—especially during the warmer months of year. So, one product you may want to consider, but should be used immediately after you cleanse and dry your skin, is the Mandelic Serum. If used correctly and consistently, this product will lift age spots and hyperpigmentation. Plus, if you have sun damaged and/or dead skin, it will help to dissolve those dead skin cells to create a more even tone. If you opt for this product, it’s highly suggested that you also use the Advanced Therapeutic Moisturizer to see the best results.

Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Mandelic Serum

Ultra Repair Eye and Neck Cream

If improved elasticity and hydration is your goal, then our Ultra Repair Eye and Neck Cream is what you need. Not only will it aid in diminishing the appearance of Crow’s Feet, but it will help to revitalize your skin. For the best results, you should apply the Ultra Repair Eye and Neck Cream two times a day.

Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Ultra Repair Eye and Neck Cream

There is no denying that any of these products will be a great addition to your skin care routine. To learn more about Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx, please call us, or feel free to visit our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx page of our site.


To buy acne cream, or buy any of our natural skin care products, please also feel free to browse our site!



We Are Happy to Announce That Our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx Product Line is Now Available!

At Shira Esthetics, we take pride in the fact that we are continuously able to offer our customers new products! After all, helping your skin feel healthy and beautiful is our goal! Therefore, we are elated to announce that we have just launched our new Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line of products!

What is so unique about our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line?

Well, one of the fascinating things about this line is that each product contains anti-aging and therapeutic ingredients that are so innovative, they can treat a diverse range of skin conditions. Some of the skin conditions include, but are not limited to, sensitive and acne prone skin, sun-damaged, and aging skin. What’s more, they are truly unique because every product also contains a combination of Hydroxy Acids, PENTAVITIN®, Collagen, Ceramides, and Hyaluronic Acid.

If you didn’t know, PENTAVITIN®, (which acts as a water-binding agent), helps skin stay hydrated longer, and has also been shown to help improve skin barrier function. Ceramides also help to keep surface skin cells together. In all, any product that you choose from this new line will help to keep your skin healthy and smooth!

Right now, we have over 15 new products available with our Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line.

We have a Salicylic Toner, Balancing Cleanser, Hydrating and Toning Mist, Deep Foaming Cleaners, Advance Therapeutic Moisturizer and much more!

If you are on the market for a new cleanser and have acne, large pore, or oily skin, you might want to check out our Balancing Cleanser.

Balancing Cleanser - Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx

It comes in a 200 ml. bottle, and features a combination of deep cleaning ingredients that will help to normalize overactive sebaceous glands. Additionally, this product also contains antiseptic botanicals which will help to reveal balanced and clear skin.

Do you desire hydrated skin and smaller pores? Well, our Advanced Therapeutic Moisturizer might be exactly what you need!

Advanced Therapeutic Moisturizer - Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx

This moisturizer is entirely oil-free and contains a generous amount of ceramides to help your skin remain hydrated longer. Plus, it can help keep your skin from getting too oily, is fragrance, dye, and paraben free!

If you would like more information on any of the products available with our new Shir-Radiance Corrective Rx line, or would like to hear about the professional natural and organic skin care products we offer, do not hesitate to contact us! We want make sure that you have the right products that will make your skin feel vibrant and healthy!

3 Summer Skin Care Tips to Keep in Mind

As you get ready to switch from your spring wardrobe to your summer wardrobe, and thus show more skin on a daily basis, you should also keep in mind that you will need to keep your skin protected. In fact, if want to keep your skin looking great all summer long, you should consider these three tips!

1. Keeping your skin hydrated will help it stay healthy all summer long.

Just as you should keep your skin hydrated in the winter, you should do the same during the summer. After all, it’s likely you will be wearing less clothing and be in the sun more often, so this means your skin will be robbed of its moisture and oils a lot faster.

2. Prevent sun damage before it happens by applying sunscreen.

The sun’s UV rays can do some serious damage to your skin even if you have a darker complexion. It can cause wrinkles, brown spots, and most of all, increase your chances of getting skin cancer. So, if you truly desire to keep your skin glowing and wrinkle-free throughout the summer and beyond, you need to get your hands on a great SPF.

3. Prepare your skin internally by incorporating more foods with antioxidants into your diet.

Ingesting as many antioxidants as you can (the healthier the food, the better!) will help to reduce potential skin damage and keep your skin healthy. What’s more, if you want to learn more about how omega-3s can help fight skin inflammation, we have a whole blog on it!

While there are many products out there that will keep your skin debris-free, hydrated, and protected, some of the best are those that contain natural and organic ingredients. You will even find that most of the products we sell will help to provide you with an awesome summer complexion!

In all, if you are looking for a place to buy natural skin care products or buy professional organic skin care products online, we have plenty here on our website. To learn more about how our products can keep you looking great in the summer, please call or email us at any time!


5 Things to Keep in Mind if You Always Want Great Skin

While neglecting to wash your face in the morning and/or before you go to bed every once in a while will not do damage to your skin, there are some things that you should never do to your face or body if you wish to have a great complexion. What’s more, while you are completely free to customize your skin care routine, there are some things that you can do too much of, such as “over exfoliating.” In fact, here are five things that you should avoid doing if you wish to have great skin at all times:

Picking at, or popping your pimples.

Even though you might feel compelled to pop that pimple on your cheek, nose, chin, or forehead, you shouldn’t! First of all, popping a pimple will likely cause your skin to scar, and that scar will probably take a while to fade. Second, your fingers are often full of bacteria and popping a pimple will make it worse, or cause that pimple to come back with a vengeance. In all, when the urge arises to pop a pimple, it’s best to wait it out if you don’t want any facial scabs or scars, as well as two pimples in the place of one.

Exfoliating too much.

There is nothing wrong with exfoliating, but doing it too often might cause irritation. Plus, if you do it too much, you will likely end up removing most of your top skin layer. When this happens, you will make your skin more vulnerable to sun damage and environmental toxins that cause skin issues. So, when it comes to exfoliating, less is better if you wish to have healthy skin.

Sleeping in your makeup.

As we mentioned above, going to bed without washing your face is okay every once in a while, but if you go to bed without washing your face, and you have makeup on, that is another story. Sleeping in makeup has the potential to cause breakouts, eye irritation, dryness, and other skin issues.

Not wearing sunscreen at all.

If you didn’t know, the sun’s rays can penetrate through the clouds, and sunscreen is not something you only wear in the summer. If you truly desire to have your skin remain free of sun damage at all times of the year, you need to wear a sunscreen every day.

Not getting a good night’s rest.

Unfortunately, it’s getting harder and harder for everyone to get a good night’s rest—especially in an age where people are working longer hours, up late taking care of children, or are just distracted by a TV or smartphone. Inevitably, just like your brain recharges while you sleep, so does your skin. More specifically, while you are sleeping, your brain and body remove toxins that would cause damage, and also allows for the creation of new cells.

As a provider of natural and professional organic skin care products online, we recognize the importance of taking care of skin properly. If you have any questions about the do’s and don’ts of skin care, or would like to buy any of our professional organic or natural skin care products, just browse through our site, or give us a call!

Skin Care Tips to Keep in Mind During Spring

As soon as winter is in the rear view mirror, many people reassess what they wear, and how they look. In other words, most people focus on changing their nail and hair colors to something lighter and finding that ideal spring and/or summer wardrobe. However, what some forget to do is revisit their skin care routine and continue using the same moisturizers and cleansers that they did during the winter.

After a few months of cold and harsh weather, your skin will be in need of some replenishing. And, while no one said you cannot use the same skin care products in the spring as you did in the winter, there are some changes you should think about making.


After dealing with the dry and cold weather, it’s important to repair your skin and replenish it with moisture. But, what type of moisturizers should you be looking for in the spring? Well, first off, get your hands on some products that act as both a skin protectant and a moisturizer, Next, look for ones that contain Vitamin E and sunflower oil, as they are both emollients that help trap moisture and keep skin soft. You should also keep an eye out for products that contain beta hydroxy acids and alpha hydroxy, as they help to replenish dry skin.

Exfoliants and Cleansers.

Just because it’s spring, that doesn’t mean you have to give up on exfoliating. First of all, exfoliating helps to remove any rough or dry skin layers that appeared during the winter, so it’s important to remember to do this when the cold temperatures subside. When looking for exfoliants in the spring, look for ones that have ingredients like brown sugar or beta hydroxy acids. Also, in the spring, you should exfoliate once or twice a week, and cleanse your skin twice a day. Last, but not least, start the spring season off with a cleanser that is unscented so that your skin does not get irritated.


If you didn’t know, sunscreen isn’t just for the summer or to put on while you are at the shore, it’s something you should wear year-round. When it comes to choosing sunscreens, it’s important to find one that’s right for your body and one that’s right your face. If you use one on the other, you could cause your skin to break out. Lastly, make sure you use sunscreens that have no chemicals, but that have ingredients like titanium dioxide or zinc oxide.

Shira Sun Care SPF 30

If you are looking products that contain any of the ingredients listed above, you can rest assured that we have them! To find them, just navigate on over to our homepage and use our search function.

Why You Shouldn’t Be Afraid to Include Seaweed into Your Diet and Skin Care Routine

Many people view seaweed as a revolting plantlike substance. However, others see it is a culinary delicacy and an essential component of their skin care regimens.

Why shouldn’t seaweed disgust you?

Well, there are several reasons why. Seaweed contains many minerals and vitamins, and it can be consumed or applied directly to your skin as an exfoliant and strengthening agent.

Seaweed contains natural, anti-inflammatory compounds that can help to reduce the swelling caused by acne.

If you have acne, you know how embarrassing it can be to show your face after you pop some of your pimples. While you won’t be able to completely eliminate the swelling after you pop them, using a seaweed cleanser can help to reduce the swelling. Plus, using a seaweed cleanser can aid in preventing breakouts in the future because of the fact that it can be utilized as a natural exfoliant to remove those dead skin cells that typically block pores.

It can reduce the swelling and red discoloration caused by rosacea.

Seaweed contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, and B12. And, as we mentioned already, seaweed helps to reduce swelling/inflammation. So, with all of these properties, seaweed is yet another substance that can aid in an individual’s fight against alleviating the symptoms of rosacea.

Seaweed extract is used in many cosmetics because it functions as a thickening agent, and has been shown to have moisturizing, photoprotector, and anti-oxidant properties.

In fact, there are many products out there that contain seaweed such as lotions and oils, soaps, shampoos, lip balms, foundations, makeups, and many others. Here at Shira Esthetics, you will even find that we have our own “Sea Weed” line of products, as well as offer many other products that contain seaweed extracts.

Right now, our Sea Weed line includes two cleansers, one mask, serum, and a toner.

SeaWeedCleanserShiraEsthetics SeaWeedTreatmentMaskShiraEsthetics

To learn more about our Sea Weed line and the benefits of using our products, please click here.

Why You Should Consider Adding More Omega-3s to Your Diet and Skin Care Routine

Most people think of omega-3s as something that increases the health of their heart. However, omega-3 fatty acids also have many other health benefits. In fact, foods that are rich in these fats—such as walnuts, flaxseed, and salmon—have been shown to promote healthy skin, fight inflammation, and lower a person’s risk of having heart disease and Alzheimer’s. Inevitably, if you want to be healthier inside and outside, as well as from head to toe, adding additional omega-3s into your diet and skin care routine is exactly what you need to do.

In fact, here are three beauty benefits that you will reap once you up your intake of omega-3s:

Your skin will be even more protected from the effects of the sun’s harmful UV rays.

As we mentioned above, omega-3 fatty acids help fight inflammation. And, believe it or not, some research has even suggested that these healthy fats can protect your skin against sun-induced inflammation, and thus help control how your body responds to UV rays.

Omega-3s aid in the fight against wrinkles.

Not only do stress, an unhealthy diet, and pollutions cause inflammation, but these things also affect your skin’s collagen. Because your collagen is negatively affected, your skin could have a harder time bouncing back after you make certain facial expressions. Therefore, this means that you can get wrinkles on your forehead, or around your mouth and eyes. Adding more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet, as well as using moisturizers and serums with omega-3s, will not only help to prevent those lines from forming, but they will support your skin’s overall structure.

Your skin will stay hydrated longer.

If you didn’t know, omega-3s are a key party of your skin’s lipid (fat) content and help it act as a seal that keeps irritants out and moisture in. So, there is no denying that increasing your omega-3 intake (by eating more omega-3 rich food and using omega-3 moisturizers) will do nothing but help keep your skin moist and hydrated.

While ingesting omega-3s will certainly offer you the most benefits, using organic skin care products that contain these fatty acids (such as cleansers, moisturizers, serums, and night creams) are also effective at helping your skin stay hydrated and wrinkle-free. And, if you are interested in products like this, you should consider our Omega-3 Collection.

