close up of a woman's face to show red, textured skin

How Your Skin Type Affects Your Skin Care Routine

Do you know your skin type? It’s not enough to form a routine based on just any advice you see on social media or an advertisement. Just like you wouldn’t grab a gym workout routine without knowing your goals, you can waste a ton of time and energy caring for your skin with products that don’t fit the needs of your skin.

So what can you do about it? It all starts with understanding how the type of skin you have interacts with the products you purchase. So, put down that moisturizer, vitamin C serum, or face wash and take a deep dive into your skin type to find the perfect skincare routine!

We Have Skin Types?

Yes, people have different types of skin, which are predetermined by our genetics. In general, there are a few main skin types — normal, dry, and oily. But, many people also have combination skin, acne-prone skin, or sensitive skin due to various factors. Not sure which one you have? We’ll break them down below.

  • Normal Skin – Normal skin types have an outstanding balance of moisture and oil to where it’s not super dry but also not very oily. There are also limited visible pores and rarely any imperfections. 
  • Dry Skin – Dry skin has many visible pores and can take on a noticeably dull complexion. It can easily peel or crack when left not moisturized.
  • Oily Skin – The excess oils result from increased fat production from your sebaceous glands. Oily skin takes on a gleaming appearance and is characterized by individuals with enlarged pores. 
  • Combination Skin – Combination skin is a mixture of oily and dry skin and is one of the most common types. In most cases, individuals with this skin type have oily noses, foreheads, and chins but a dry cheek area.
  • Sensitive Skin – Sensitive skin is easily irritated and can itch, dry out, and burn under conditions that wouldn’t impact other skin types. Be exceedingly careful trying different skin care products with this type.
  • Acne Prone Skin – Some people have skin types highly prone to developing acne. You can tell if you easily develop acne or if breakouts run in the family and start at the onset of puberty. 

Your Skin Type Can Change

The way your skin looks and feels can change based on various causes, including age, hormones, and environmental conditions as the most common. Even certain medications and stress levels can bring someone with combination skin into the world of dry or oily skin. Acne can be triggered by hormones released during highly stressful times, leading to many blackheads and breakouts. 

Generally, your skin type will change every 7-9 years, primarily due to aging. Skin will start to thin when you are in your late 20s and into your 30s. This is when most people notice fine lines and other minor signs of aging. The skin also becomes more prone to UV rays, and reduced collagen can form those fine lines and wrinkles. By the age of 50, your skin cannot defend against dryness and wrinkles nearly as much as before, leading to slower skin regeneration and difficulty healing wounds. 

This has led to the advent of skin care products and routines that help fight aging and keep your skin looking pristine. Products like organic moisturizers for dry skin can help combat different skin changes and characteristics and help you to look younger and maintain healthy skin for as long as possible.

Tips for Different Skin Types

Are you looking for ways to brighten your skin and restore your confidence? Our team can give you some tips and what to look for based on your skin type and the main forces that cause you trouble.

Dry Skin

The biggest thing we can suggest for people with dry skin is moisturizing. Focus on moisture and barrier creams that keep that moisture relegated to your skin. Look for products that contain ingredients such as avocado oil, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

Acne-Prone Skin

Many things can cause acne, and there are few specific rules for this skin type. You should never pick at your blemishes as this could lead to scarring, which is more difficult to reduce. If you have combination skin, you need to find a balance between the oily and dry areas with a moisturizer that is lightweight, but you also need to hydrate the areas that need it most. Also, avoid topical aggravators and know how salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide react to your skin.

Sensitive Skin

With sensitive skin, it’s all about keeping track of the ingredients that irritate your skin. Be mindful of skin care products with fragrances, essential oils, lanolin, retinoids, and alcohol. Look, instead, for products with these skincare ingredients ideal for sensitive skin: chamomile, Omega 3, argan oil, jojoba, shea butter, and sunflower seed oil.

Oily Skin

Your number one priority is to find natural ways to reduce your skin’s sebum production. Also, remember that aggressive removal of oil only produces more oil. Instead, wash your face twice per day with a gentle cleanser that won’t clog your pores. We suggest using Shir-Radiance Balancing Cleanser, which uses essential oils to cleanse the skin of acne bacteria without drying out your face. Additionally, be sure to focus on moisturizers, makeup, and serums that are not oil-based.

Trial and Error Is Your Best Friend

If you’re feeling overwhelmed on your skincare journey, remember that you’re not alone. It can be difficult for people to know what to put on their skin and find the right combination of products to combat their challenges. No matter how many YouTube videos and product reviews you watch, the only way to know what works best is by trial and error. First, determine your skin type and find high-quality products that work best for you. Use natural cues, tips, and tricks to develop a quality routine and figure out what works best for you.

Shira Esthetics Can Help Reinvigorate Your Skin

Skincare is constantly evolving, and so is your skin. The only way to ensure you can adapt to the times is with the best quality products the market can provide. At Shira Esthetics, we can help you take good care of your skin, no matter what type you have. With replenishing facial serums and skin moisturizers, our selection of products is exactly what you need. Don’t let advancing age, environmental changes, or sensitive skin get in the way of your confidence. Explore Shira Esthetics and start your skincare journey!